Common Craft - Web 2.0 In Plain English

Common Craft - Explanations In Plain English

So I got to this site by trying to find out how to do some stuff in twitter, I'm, BTW. Okay so I goto to this Common Craft site because of their video, " Twitter in Plain English", a video which promises to help the viewer understand in 2 and a half minutes what and why and who twitter is. and they more than succeed! so run there and find vids like:

Video: RSS in Plain English (433)

Video: Wikis in Plain English (375)

Video: Blogs in Plain English (261)

Just a quick copy/paste/send and no more wasting yer time explaining shit to your geek-deficient friends. Oh and did I mention that the vids were Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States? HMM? HUH?
