Secret Project: Sketches, Layout & Page Art. PLUS! Collaborative Process...

As you know from reading previous entries of this type, Bill Woodcock and I have been working very hard on this book to be pitched to Image and/or other publishers. I've been working on this stuff with great enthusiasm; I think KATRINA's impact on N.Orleans has had something to do with it, although I'm not exactly sure how/why.

First is a new layout of page one of the script from issue #1. Next are various character sketches, rendered in with some photoshop touches that I think might work well in the book. Last two are some pages for future issues- I think. I say that because they aren't part of anything Bill and I may have discussed. See, sometimes I go off on these weird creative jaunts, usually while drawing- but sometimes while daydreaming or actually asleep-dreaming. When I get these little jems, I usually end up on the phone with Bill and 3hrs. later- it ends up as a plot point in the comic. Cool collaborative process, eh?

By the way, Bill? Make up something that we can fit these pages into, huh? AAAA-HAHAHAHAHAHA!

On with the show and tell? OK....

